FARI emits ‘Light’: a powerful wall of sound that’s sure to light up any room with seductive grooves and vivacious vocals

By Edwin Fairbrother

Single Review: Light by FARI

For people who like…neo-soul, R&B, live-looping

Looking at FARI’s Spotify, you might think she is relatively new on the scene. But listening to Light it’s clear she’s by no means a newbie to the music world. Oozing talent and skills in the bucketload, this third single is a vibrant neo-soul groove-rock anthem from this one-woman powerhouse!  

The harmonic acapella-like intro sounds like multiple vocalists are behind this one, which is a theme that holds through the rest of the track. Groovy bass and lead guitar come in, and by the time the first verse is half-way through, it certainly sounds like there’s a full band of session musicians and backing singers involved. 

In fact there isn’t, it’s just Jack Wilson’s clever production and FARI’s unwavering looping skills that turn this song from a one-dimensional tune, to a full-bodied multilayered gem!

FARI at The Folklore Rooms

There is so much talented instrumentation and not to mention FARI’s bold and melodious singing, it’s hard to believe her first single Arson! was released in only Autumn of last year (2023). 

The energetic and multifaceted nature of Light is certainly one to help you spring out of bed in the morning when sunshine is in short supply.

Then about half-way through, a sombre breakdown appears somewhat by surprise, to give some much needed breathing space to the busyness of what was before…and what will come after. Just before you’re able to distinguish whether that’s an organ pad you can hear in the background…bam! The chorus is back, now with FARI hitting slightly higher notes. The high-spirited track fades away with smooth and silky key-striking highlighting yet another string to her bow.

Light is hard to categorise, but I’m quite confident that anyone who likes neo-soul vocals, groovy R&B, with a kinda rocky vibe to the guitar will love this! Making it a great eclectic review for us, and a hard-hitting example of the broad and versatile talent FARI is coming with. There is something for everyone here, so keep an eye out for more from this future star!